Keto Chow day packs now available
And… done:
I also took the time to do some better product images:
And… done:
I also took the time to do some better product images:
Some time ago I asked for feedback on the viability of doing 3-meal single day packs of Keto Chow. Then I went on a couple vacations but now I’m back and ready to go. I sourced the bags back in May and have had them for quite a while but I just didn’t have the time to figure out the logistics of packaging them and whatnot. This last weekend I finally got that done. I have initial runs of Rich Chocolate and Chocolate Mint already to go and I’ll be getting the rest of the flavors done soon. Once I have some inventory I’ll launch it though that probably won’t be until Wednesday or Thursday.
One of the big questions I had was how much could I ship in the priority mail boxes I’m using. With my test run I was able to answer that:
The only real big question I have yet to figure out is the multi-vitamin situation. In the future I expect that I’ll replace the individual meal samples with these 1-day packs (I’m still toying with pricing but depending on the flavor it’s about 24% less than buying 3 of the samples) so People will be using them to try out the flavors. If you’re just doing a sample then the vitamin really isn’t vital and putting 1-3 vitamins in a shipment doesn’t sound hard but it gets messy pretty quickly. It’s not a money thing but simply logistics. My initial thought is to include the pills in the upcoming “Build a week” package and probably include the full bag with the seven vitamins if 5 or more days get ordered. Order 1-4 and you wouldn’t get the vitamins. But this is still up in the air right now.
Oh, and for the record: the week packs aren’t going away.
There is a pretty interesting thread on Reddit about the glycemic load of the official Rosa Labs Soylent 1.5 and how it has twice the glycemic load as Coca Cola. It got me thinking: I wonder what the glycemic index of Keto Chow would be. I already know that it has virtually no detectable impact on blood sugar levels (at least in my own n=1 test). How would I test?
This is from
The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the blood glucose-raising ability of the available carbohydrate in foods defined as the incremental area under the glycemic response curve (AUC) elicited by a portion of food containing 50 g available carbohydrate expressed as a percentage of the AUC elicited by 50 g glucose in the same subject.
OK, so in summary: you give 50g of pure glucose to a study participant and check their blood sugar at intervaals for 2 hours. Then you wait a long time (you have to be fasting for quite a while before hand) and do it again but with 50g of “available” (NET) carbohydrates. I don’t think I could test using the generally accepted testing procedure since Keto Chow only has (depending on the flavor) 12g of non-fiber carbohydrates per day. So you would need to consume 4 days worth of keto chow (again, I’m not talking about 4 meals, I’m talking about 12 meals!) to get the 50g necessary. That’s nuts.
The Rich Chocolate flavor of Keto Chow has one of the higher net carbs with 6.0g of net carbs per meal. or roughly the same as 1.5 teaspoons of D-glucose (aka: “Dextrose” which is the same as glucose). So I suppose I could test 1 meal of Rich Chocolate and compare it to 6g of D-Glucose. But again, it’ll be a n=1 test and not of much value other than “gee whiz!”. I’ll still probably do it but not for a while.
Same guy who did that excellent review of Keto Chow posted another (hilarious yet informative) write up about how he mixes up Keto Chow:
It’s a good read, make sure you don’t miss the footnotes.
A comment on another post asked about the feasibility of using coconut cream for Keto Chow.
It just might work.
I looked into “Trader Joe’s Coconut Cream”:
I calculated for 250ml of this Coconut Cream for a target kCal/day of 1300 (same as 50ml of heavy cream. It ups the NET carbs from 12g to 20g/day which isn’t optimal but should work fine. It is significantly more expensive though, the 250ml costs around $3.50 a day, compared to $0.75 for the same amount of calories from heavy cream. I also don’t have figures for the Omega 3 and 6 content so those end up red on the recipe editor.
Still, I’m going to grab some and give it a try, see how it goes. For those that can’t handle heavy cream, this might be a viable option. Update: here are the results.
On on /r/keto /u/rhoymand has done a series on testing his blood sugar response to various foods (here is one on a Quest Bar). I’ve been curious what effect Keto Chow has on blood so I got a glucose meter (cheap as free!) and some test strips (holy cow, these are expensive!). Today I did a test of blood glucose levels, sampling every 15 minutes from 08:45 to 14:00 (aka 22 holes in my fingers). During this time I drank a breakfast and then a lunch bottle of Keto Chow. I had intended to start this fasting but forgot and ate some beef jerky around 8. Doesn’t seem to have had an effect on the results but I’ll probably run this again in a month or so. Here’s the result:
Red lines are when I drank a blender bottle full of Keto Chow.
The last few times I’ve had my blood checked by a lab I’ve been 79-87 mg/dL glucose while fasting. Anyhow that’s a pretty negligible change. At least in my n=1 test it looks like Keto Chow doesn’t have an appreciable effect on blood glucose levels. In case you want it, here is the raw data:
Time | Glucose level | note |
08:45 | 96 | |
09:00 | 89 | |
09:15 | 86 | |
09:30 | 86 | Drank Vanilla Keto Chow at 09:40 |
09:45 | 95 | |
10:00 | 94 | |
10:15 | 105 | |
10:30 | 88 | |
10:45 | 91 | |
11:00 | 92 | |
11:15 | 105 | |
11:30 | 101 | |
11:45 | 96 | Drank Rich Chocolate Keto Chow at 11:52 |
12:00 | 88 | |
12:15 | 97 | |
12:30 | 92 | |
12:45 | 90 | |
13:00 | 98 | |
13:15 | 91 | |
13:30 | 104 | |
13:45 | 87 | |
14:00 | 97 |
Found this today via random chance. It’s an article that appeared in Reader’s Digest following the release of Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It – which was a condensed version of Good Calories, Bad Calories. So if you want a really quick summary, from the Author himself, here you go:
I got a ketonix breath acetone meter and I’m wanting a way to track stuff. I also have arriving shortly a blood glucose/ketone tester (with the way overpriced test strips) and I wanted a way to track blood ketone levels and breath acetone levels. After looking for tools that do this that aren’t just an excel spreadsheet I came back to custom measurements in MyFitnessPal. You can create a new measurement and give it any label you want. Then MFP will make a groovy graph. I’m going to be comparing blood ketone to breath acetone and try to figure out the correlation so I’m going to have to massage the data.
I found a way to export the custom measurements into an XML file. It requires messing around with the data once it’s imported but works fairly well. It was simple to pull weight data for the last 365 days(that link will open your own data if you’re logged into MFP). So now I can track measurements on a mobile app as well as a web site. Cool beans.
I read Gary Taubs’ earlier book Good Calories Bad Calories a few weeks ago, I followed it up with his newer book Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. While it doesn’t have the same breadth of information as Good Calories it’s more clearly delivered and easier for non-technical-medial people to understand. Honestly I think it’s one of the better introductions to a ketogenic/high fat low carb diet that I’ve seen yet. Here’s some of the stuff I “took home” from the book.
We don’t get fat because we over eat. Meaning that overeating isn’t the cause of obesity, it’s an effect. If a room has a maximum occupancy of 20 people and the fire marshal gets upset and wants to know why it happened – you’re not going to say “well, it’s because more people came into the room than left.” Well duh, that’s what happened but that’s not the cause, the reason for the overcrowding. Rooms get overcrowded when more come in than leave and I get fat when I eat more than I burn; but that isn’t the cause.
20 calories a day. That’s all that’s needed to take someone from trim in their 20s to obese in their 60s. This is about how much you get by looking at a piece of cake wrong. If our calories in and calories out were regulated solely by willpower, maintaining the razor slim margin would be impossible. Instead our hunger and metabolism are controlled by a set of hormones and other factors. This goes completely contrary to what people like to think: that the obese would be thinner if they just stopped eating too much and got up and did some physical activity. It’s a character defect. They’re lazy and have no will power. Fortunately that entire line of thinking is wrong and it’s relatively easy to turn everything around.
When you eat sugars, starches or other stuff that breaks down into glucose (FYI: starch is just sugar that’s bound together in a polymer); your body reacts to the rising and damaging blood sugar levels by releasing insulin. In fact, your body actually starts releasing insulin before you start a meal; you only have to think of or smell food and your body will start to get ready and release insulin. Insulin does a bunch of things but of primary concern here is:
So in the presence of insulin you will not burn fat, just glucose. Different cells are more or less reactive to insulin. Fat cells seem to react easily and don’t get tired of it, muscle cells and other cells tend to get resistant to the effects of insulin. When the cells don’t react to insulin at lower levels you’ll compensate by releasing more and more until your Islets of Langerhans can no longer keep up and you end up with type 2 diabetes. Oddly, your fat cells are still reacting to the insulin and dutifully storing energy away. It’s like your fat cells are acting without care for the rest of your cells (kinda like what cancer does). Anyhow, your cells still need energy; there’s no free fatty acids to consume so you end up with cellular starvation as your cells scream for something, anything to burn. If they can’t get anything then they will drop their activity to compensate. Just as you don’t get fat because you overeat, you don’t get fat because you are sedentary. Your desire or even ability to do physical activity drops in relation to the fuel available to your cells (besides the fat cells, because honey badger don’t care). If all the fuel your body can burn is glucose, you muscle cells don’t react to insulin because they are resistant and glucose is getting shoved into fat cells you will want to sit on a sofa and feed your starving cells. You get sedentary because you’re getting fat.
One thing that stuck with me: If you’re going to go to a huge dinner, what to you do to prepare so you can enjoy it as much as possible? Skip lunch and maybe even breakfast. Get some exercise, go for a walk. We call this working up an appetite for a reason. So to recap: to increase your hunger so you can eat more at a big feast you eat less and move more – which is precisely the advice given to lose weight? This is nuts! Exercise will make you hungry. If you burn 100 calories running, your body is going to figure out a way to replenish that missing fuel and hunger will move you to eat a little extra. There are many good reasons to exercise but exercising to try to lose weight is insane.
The solution? cut the amount of insulin in your system. How do you do that? eat as few carbohydrates as possible.
You’ll have to battle your brain for a bit. Sugar does a really good job at stimulating the reward centers of the brain. Essentially you end up with an addiction to sugar, to pasta, to bread, to potatoes, to fruit. It’s more nuanced than that but when you stop eating sugars, refined flour and other easily digestible carbohydrates, you will feel withdrawals (though we call them cravings). Fortunately, the longer you go without these carbohydrates the cravings lessen. Your brain figures out how to run just fine on your stored fat as “ketone bodies” that your liver makes. Your cells aren’t inhibited from burning free fatty acids by overactive insulin so they increase activity. You feel the desire to get out and use up some of this extra energy. Your cells aren’t screaming for food so you don’t over eat. For that matter in most of the clinical trials of ketogenic diets, people lost more weight when they were told to eat how ever much they wanted, so long as it didn’t have carbohydrates. Eat more than you need? you probably won’t but if you do your body will compensate by upping activity. More bacon please.
If any of this sounds interesting and you want to learn the specifics instead of a general overview, be sure to check out the book: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It by Gary Taubes. It may even be at your local library. Looks like mine has 8 copies of the book and 1 copy of the audiobook available right now.
You can read the full thing here:
Quick quote:
Indeed, the evidence that insisting on low-fat diets caused people to eat more carbohydrates, and that led to the explosion in obesity and diabetes, looks pretty strong — so far. After all, the main route by which the body lays down fat is to manufacture it from excess sugar in the liver. But why did carbohydrate consumption start to increase so rapidly in the 1960s? At least partly because of the advice to avoid meat and cheese. Obesity and diabetes are the price we have paid for getting fat and cholesterol so wrong.
How about a full, drains-up inquiry into how the medical and scientific profession made such an epic blunder and caused so much misery to people? Consider not just the damage that was done to people’s lives by faulty advice, but to the livelihoods of dairy and beef farmers and egg producers (I declare an interest as a very small producer of free-range eggs). Which has more sugar: an apple or an egg?
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