
6 months of Keto

This entry is part 55 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

6 months of keto

Looks like it’s time for an update since I’ll be completing 6 months of Keto in 3 days. Dunno if I’ll reach 50 lbs, I’m at 48.3 pounds lost since I started. I’ve lost 2 shirt sizes (XXL to L), gone from size 38 pants to… I need to buy new ones and they’ll probably be 34 or maybe even 32. I’m on my 4th new belt loop and I need to drill some more.

Last night we went to JCW’s for dinner. I got the 1lb burger as a lettuce wrap. The people we were with made a quip about artery clogging. Because none of the proported “evidence” of saturated fat causing health problems has ever been disproven… oh wait, ALL of it has? Weird.

By |2016-10-13T07:28:13-06:00April 18th, 2015|Weight Loss|3 Comments

Label all the things!

This entry is part 53 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

Previously I had one Keto Chow recipe and made one label for all the different flavors of Keto Chow, I would just change the big text at the top with the name of the flavor. Now I’ve done gone and made a recipe for each and every one of the flavors because there is a slight variance in net carbs, protein and other nutrients between the flavors.

I also made a new label for each one with the nutrition information correct for each flavor. They’re all linked to the various flavors in the shop, select a flavor and you’ll see the info.

In case you are curious, here are the differences (per day) for the various flavors:

Keto Chow nutrition comparison

By |2016-10-13T07:28:15-06:00March 31st, 2015|Site or Store Stuff, Keto Chow, Ketogenic, Soylent|2 Comments

5 months on Ketogenic soylent, 43.1 lbs

This entry is part 51 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

I realized today that I neglected to add an entry for my 5 month ketoversary. Time to rectify that.

2015-03-27 12_22_21-Health Mate

I started doing Ketogenic soylent back October 21, 2014 at the time I was 257.8 lbs. I started with QuidNYC Ketofood and later adapted a recipe by kennufs to make Keto Chow. As of March 21, 2015 – 5 months later, I was 214.7 lbs. If I keep this up I should hit -50 lbs. by the 6 month mark.

By |2016-10-13T07:28:15-06:00March 27th, 2015|Weight Loss, Soylent, Keto Chow, Ketogenic|Comments Off on 5 months on Ketogenic soylent, 43.1 lbs

Preparing a week of Keto Chow powder – video

This entry is part 50 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

Time to post a video of mixing up a week of Keto Chow. It’s very similar to my earlier videos for People Chow and Ketofood. You can find the recipe for Keto Chow here. There’s also a video showing what to do with the powder, mixing up 3 meals here.

I mix all 7 days at the same time and do not have a problem with it separating or consistency in the mixture. It’s pretty tiring when people want to argue the merits of mixing this way so I’m not going to argue with them anymore =) I’ve been mixing this way for going on 8 months, never had a problem. You don’t like it? don’t use it! Go ahead and mix every day individually; but this works far better for me than mixing individual days ever did.

By |2016-10-13T07:28:15-06:00March 27th, 2015|Preparation, Keto Chow, Ketogenic, Soylent|10 Comments

Tested new foil bags, we have a winner

I got in the new foil bags I ordered. They’re shorter and wider than the other ones I was testing. They will fit easier into my boxes and are easier to scoop out of. I ordered a bunch today and will start using them for all orders going out as soon as I exhaust my supply of the taller bags.

Square Bags open

Square Bags sealed

By |2016-10-13T07:28:15-06:00March 26th, 2015|Site or Store Stuff, Keto Chow|Comments Off on Tested new foil bags, we have a winner

Benefits of Keto Chow over a normal diet (including other high-carb powdered foods like Soylent and People Chow)

This entry is part 49 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

This is adapted from a really good write-up on – If you want to know more about why Ketogenic Diets work check out my review of “Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

The aim with nutritional ketosis is to get under a certain threshold of carbohydrates so your body is forced to start burning stored fat. There are some other benefits too, especially for people with metabolism problems and issues with insulin; most people use it for sustainable weight loss. To achieve ketosis you have to stay under 30-50 (depending on metabolism) grams of carbohydrates per day which can be difficult some times, especially when you are first starting keto and aren’t sure what you can and can’t eat. Using a ketogenic complete meal replacement like Keto Chow makes hitting your net carb goal much easier while assuring you’re getting all the vitamins, minerals and other essentials. It’s also usually less expensive than subsisting on bacon and cheese.

Being in nutritional ketosis has a bunch of benefits:

  1. Your blood sugar stabilizes a lot, only going up and down a bit in response to protein. This will also cause changes to how your body uses insulin (plus it needs far less insulin). Along with all of this your body stops producing as much hunger hormones like Ghrelin.
  2.  With the change in blood sugar and insulin, your fat cells are switched from a “gotta catch ’em all” state of hoarding to releasing stored fat for energy.
  3. Your tissues store glucose coupled with water (glycogen). Often when first starting keto and those reserves are depleted and the water comes out you’ll lose a bunch of weight – though it doesn’t happen to everyone.

1 and 3 makes sticking with the diet easier. The abrupt loss of a bunch of water weight can really get people to stick with it (personally I lost 4 pounds my 4th day). Less hunger hormones gives you more will-power. In my own experience and in that of many others it makes dieting far more enjoyable – instead of “I’m always hungry all the time and am about to die!”

1 and 2 makes it easier to eat with a caloric deficit even if you have no will power.

2 gets your body burning fat stores, which is kinda the point right?

Now for the disadvantages:

  • There is a change-over period (4 days, more or less) where your body is going to revolt a bit. You’ll likely have cravings for carbohydrates and you will likely feel hungry quite a bit. Soon, however, your body will give up and switch to ketosis. After a while the desire for carby food may completely disappear. I recommend starting Keto Chow at a higher calorie amount (2000 or so depending on your needs) so you can concentrate on kicking carbs. As time goes on you can lower the calories.
  • During this same transition period, if you don’t watch your electrolytes you may feel weak, disoriented or light headed. It’s often called the “keto flu” because it can feel like you have the flu. Your body needs more electrolytes in ketosis and it’s even worse while you are burning up that glucose+water reserve and dumping electrolytes. This additional requirement is why the Sodium and Potassium levels in Keto Chow are so high. Easy fixes: chicken broth or pickle juice.
  • Keto Chow has a lot more fiber in it that many people are accustomed to along with MCT oil. It’s probably a wise idea to take a pro-biotic (I use this one, also available at Costco – works great). When you are first starting Keto Chow you might want to skip the MCT oil at first and add it slowly as you adapt, particularly if you have GI issues (more info here). There’s a chance you may have some loose bowels at the very beginning. This guy has a useful tip: “I found quickly that an Imodium took care of that problem and because you aren’t taking in tons of food mass you don’t have to worry about backing up if it works too well.” Like I said, you can also omit the MCT oil and/or replace it with some olive oil and then slowly add it back in.
  • “Bursty” muscle action like lifting weights or sprinting often takes a hit with less glucose available. The upside is that endurance for other activities (after about 2 weeks) will go through the roof. It’s one of the reasons Ketogenic diets are fast becoming a preferred diet for competitive marathon runners.

If you can get past these hurdles, your body will adjust and you’ll actually have more energy losing weight with fewer calories than they did eating normally – at least in my own and many other’s experience.

Do you have to only eat Keto Chow? No, but you do need to stick to high fat, moderate protein, low carb foods. If you “cheat” you’re actively sabotaging your progress. Got the hankering for some cake? eat some bacon. A single slice of wonder bread is enough to erase several days worth of progress. Seriously: go grab some string cheese, some pork rinds or anything else that is keto friendly if you absolutely need to snack. Here is a handy guide to what you should and should not eat


By |2016-10-13T07:28:15-06:00March 23rd, 2015|Keto Chow, Ketogenic, Soylent, Weight Loss|7 Comments

Going to try mixing PB2 into the powder tonight, Calcium Phosphate changes

This entry is part 46 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

I cloned my Keto Chow Recipe and added PB2 to it so I could get actual numbers instead of hoping I was good with a calculator. I also put the specific nutrition info for the Rich Chocolate flavored protein powder since the different flavors have slightly different values. What I came up with looks really good.

Adding three 12g servings of PB2 a day adds an additional $0.81 per day. Coupled with the correct figures for the Rich Chocolate it appears to have 47g of carbs, 26g of dietary fiber giving 21g net carbs. That’s 9 more than PB2-less Keto Chow but still well under the 30g net carbs I’m targeting to maintain ketosis and continue my weight loss.

Tonight I’m going to try mixing PB2 into a week’s worth of Rich Chocolate to see if it mixes well or not and if it fouls my mixing container with the oils and such in the PB2. Should be interesting. My hope is that by mixing it into the powder I’ll get a better mixture. Currently when I mix up my Keto Chow I’m getting some slight lumpiness (isolated only to the peanut butter) since the PB2 turns into creamy peanut butter immediately on contact with water. By having the PB2 evenly distributed throughout the powder it should clump less. Again, the clumps aren’t really a bad thing but it would be nice to have it even smoother still.

Lastly: in version 1.0.1 I changed the “Freeda” Calcium Phosphate for DiCalcium Phosphate that I could source from BulkSupplements in giant bags. Well, about the same time I noticed a tiny amount of grit in my Keto Chow. It was only apparent if you chewed a bit on the liquid but I could detect the granules of something. I didn’t make the connection to the DiCalcium Phosphate until about a week ago when I decided to throw caution to the wind tasted a pinch of the Dicalcium Phosphate. Yep, finally found the source of the grit. I finally got the original Calcium Phosphate in yesterday and will start mixing with it again tonight.

By |2015-03-18T09:26:55-06:00March 18th, 2015|Soylent, Keto Chow, Ketogenic|5 Comments

Tried the PB2 powdered peanut butter in Keto Chow, yeah it’s awesome.

This entry is part 45 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

Last week I posted about my disappointment with Dymatize “Gourmet” having too many carbs because it would hinder me from trying their Peanut Butter Chocolate flavor. I decided then to grab a 16 ounce jar of PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter (they also make a much smaller 6.5 ounce container it’s nearly the same price as the 16) and try that. Putting 12g adds 3g of net carbs, bringing my total net carbs for Keto Chow up to 31g if I drink 3 a day. That’s doable though it doesn’t leave much room for snacks. It also adds 45 calories to each one, not a big deal.

I really like peanut butter, so far I’ve tried Strawberry and Rich Chocolate (because I am drinking strawberry this week) and both were excellent. I’ve just been adding the 12g of powder to my other powder/cream/oil when I’m mixing it in the blender bottle. I’m not sure what adding it when mixing the powder of Keto Chow would do. It might work fine or the additional oil might cause nasty clumping. For now this works fine to add a bit of extra flavor.

By |2016-10-13T07:28:18-06:00March 16th, 2015|Keto Chow, Ketogenic, Soylent|Comments Off on Tried the PB2 powdered peanut butter in Keto Chow, yeah it’s awesome.

Keto Photo Friday: 4 months, 37 lbs – got a long way to go still =)

This entry is part 42 of 139 in the series Ketogenic Soylent

I posted this to /r/keto last week, decided it might be nice to have it here too. I started “Obese” (>30 BMI) now I’m just “Overweight”.

First time posting progress pics. I was going to wait longer but I was just at a conference where they were doing headshots. I had a similar one taken right before I started keto. Time for a comparison.

Here you have before and after. 4 months, 37 lbs. Oddly enough, both were taken at SalesForce conferences.

Here you have before and after. 4 months, 37 lbs. Oddly enough, both were taken at SalesForce conferences.

2000-05 Wedding - According to my wife I weighed 220 when we were married 15 years ago.

2000-05 Wedding – According to my wife I weighed 220 when we were married 15 years ago.

2006-10 - In 2006 I started keeping track (mostly daily) of my weight, this picture is very close to when I weighed 276. I later lost quite a lot of weight doing the "Shangri-La" diet and then again lost more doing something similar to "Whole 30".

2006-10 – In 2006 I started keeping track (mostly daily) of my weight, this picture is very close to when I weighed 276. I later lost quite a lot of weight doing the “Shangri-La” diet and then again lost more doing something similar to “Whole 30”.

Here's my complete weight log from October 2006 until February 2015 (excepting the year or so I stopped keeping track in 2009)

Here’s my complete weight log from October 2006 until February 2015 (excepting the year or so I stopped keeping track in 2009)

2014-10-13 Dreamforce - This was just before I started keto. I weighed 258.

2014-10-13 Dreamforce – This was just before I started keto. I weighed 258.

2014-10-13 - Also at Dreamforce. This is mostly just for fun.

2014-10-13 – Also at Dreamforce. This is mostly just for fun.

2014-10-25 - This was taken 4 days after I started Keto. I was already down 8lbs. My wife looks awesome.

2014-10-25 – This was taken 4 days after I started Keto. I was already down 8lbs. My wife looks awesome.

The spike in January is when I ate carbs for a week in preparation for a weight loss contest. Gotta level the playing field!

The spike in January is when I ate carbs for a week in preparation for a weight loss contest. Gotta level the playing field!

2015-02-20 - 4 months and 37 lbs. I was down to 220.5. It's awfully close to how much I weighed when I got married plus it's almost exactly 100kg.

2015-02-20 – 4 months and 37 lbs. I was down to 220.5. It’s awfully close to how much I weighed when I got married plus it’s almost exactly 100kg.

2015-02-26 - Hey, every one of these has to have a selfie right? Yes I wear a tie to work every day. Yes that's a Napoleon Dynamite figurine, it talks.

2015-02-26 – Hey, every one of these has to have a selfie right? Yes I wear a tie to work every day. Yes that’s a Napoleon Dynamite figurine, it talks.

By |2016-10-13T07:28:18-06:00March 3rd, 2015|Keto Chow, Ketogenic, Soylent, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Keto Photo Friday: 4 months, 37 lbs – got a long way to go still =)